General Dos

Do include all relevant logos. Unless otherwise stated, the Dechra logo should always be present, along with any necessary product brand, therapy area species, and/or Academy logos.

Do ensure the Dechra logo is visible. The Dechra logo should be white or Dechra blue, depending on which is clearest against the background.

Do use the Dechra logo in the top left position when the corporate brand leads. Dechra logo can be positioned in other corners of the artwork if necessary.

Do use the product brand, therapy area or species logos in the top left position when the product brand, therapy area or species leads. The Dechra logo should also be present in a less prominent position. 


Related: See information about Brand Hierarchies & Glossary of Terms here.

Do follow product brand guidelines when using product logos. The substance can also be included if relevant.

Do use the Veterinary Perspective tagline when using the Dechra corporate brand. The colour of Veterinary Perspective tagline should match the colour of the Dechra logo used on the asset. This should always be Dechra blue or white.

Do use icons from product packaging to identify the target species, when required.

Do place pack shots on a solid background and ensure they are clearly visible. 



Hierarchy A - Dechra Brand Led

The Dechra logo is the primary lead and is the most prominent logo on the page

The Dechra logo is clearly visible against the background

The product brand logo is the secondary lead and is less prominent than the Dechra logo

Correct brand colours, brand images, D-shaped device and fonts are used

The pack shot is clearly visible on the solid background

The Veterinary Perspective tagline is present


Hierarchy B - Product Brand Led

The product brand logo is the primary lead and is the most prominent logo

The pack shot is clearly visible on the solid background

Product Brand colours, images and fonts are used

The Dechra logo is the secondary lead and is less prominent than the product brand logo



Hierarchy D - Dechra Academy Brand Led

The Dechra Academy brand logo present as primary lead

Academy brand colours, images and fonts are used

The Dechra logo is the secondary lead and is less prominent than the Dechra Academy logo


Hierarchy A - Dechra Brand Led

The Dechra logo is the primary lead and is the most prominent logo

The Dechra logo is clearly visible against the background

The pack shot against a solid, brand-coloured background is clearly visible

The species icon is included in the top right corner





Hierarchy C - Therapy/Species Area Led

The therapy/species area logo is the primary lead and is the most prominent logo

Therapy area brand colours, images and fonts are used

The Dechra logo is the secondary lead and is less prominent than the therapy/ species area logo

General Dont's

Don’t use the D-shaped device on Product or Therapy/Species Area-led assets. Only use Dechra D-shaped device if it’s for a Dechra brand-led campaign/asset.

Don’t use Dechra Brand colours or fonts for Product or Therapy/Species Area-led campaigns.

Don’t use the Veterinary Perspective tagline on Product or Therapy/ Species Area Brand-led assets.


Related: See information about Brand Hierarchies & Glossary of Terms here

Don’t use Product campaign imagery with Dechra Brand elements. This includes the colour, font and D-shaped device.

Don’t use images that do not comply with Dechra Brand photographic principles. If Dechra brand-led, all images must be relevant, authentic and comply with the appropriate photographic principles.

Don’t use pack shots directly over an image. 

Examples - why don't these comply?

The images should be authentic and adhere to the Dechra brand photographic principles

The arm and task it is performing does not look natural

The packshots should be separated from the background image

The Dechra font, D-shaped device and colours should not be used in a product brand-led asset

The product logo should be the most prominent

The product images should not be combined with Dechra elements, such as the D-shaped device

The Dechra Academy logo should be clearly visible against the background

Any animal imagery should be appropriate to the product.

The Dechra brand colours should not be combined with Academy assets

Product logos should not be placed inside Academy assets

Text should be in Poppins Medium as per Academy brand guidelines The Dechra logo should not be inside the D-shaped device.

​The product images should not be combined with Dechra elements, including the D-shaped device

The Dechra logo should not be inside the D-shaped device

The Veterinary Perspective tagline should NOT be used in a therapy area or species-led campaign