Our tone

To communicate from the Veterinary Perspective and as the Dechra brand, we have a specific tone or personality that we want to convey, which best expresses who we are and ensures we are communicating – both verbally and in writing – in the same way and with one voice.

Our verbal identity – our tone of voice – needs to be applied everywhere, from the website to adverts, to what people say in their out-of-office emails. Every word counts.

Every interaction is important to establish our brand story.

We believe that the new visual identity showcased in the rest of this document really encompasses Dechra’s new tone of voice and will be a confident leap forward for our brand.



Dechra is not exaggerated, vague, cold, clinical, dismissive and dull.

We rely on evidence and science to create our products, but we know that our primary goal is helping veterinary professionals.

With our veterinary-first perspective, we approach everything with an empathetic mindset.

At Dechra, we know veterinary professionals have their share of daily victories and challenges. That’s why we’re always grounded in science, but delivered with empathy and understanding.

Tone of VoiceRationale
CredibleWe communicate this by remaining consistent in our Brand Guidelines, ensuring what we say is evidence and fact based. We do not overstate things or use exaggerated language. We are honest and authentic.
EngagingWe communicate this by always writing with our audience in mind. We keep their perspective, feelings, challenges, and successes in mind.
ExpertWe communicate this by using fact-based, evidence-backed information. We know how to help our audience solve the extraordinary every day, and we work hard to support them with the problems they face.
PersonableWe genuinely care about our audience. We are human beings, and we speak like human beings. We highlight the positive where we can and remember that behind every interaction is a person on the other side.
PassionateWe love what we do and enjoy helping our audience. We are driven by the desire to make animal and veterinary lives better. We clearly communicate this message by remembering that we’re people first, with a strong, inherent desire to effect positive change.
EmpatheticWe know that veterinary professionals experience a wide range of challenges, frustrations, problems, and equal amounts of satisfaction, joy and victories from what they do. Being a veterinary professional is emotional work, and we ensure we’re mindful of this at every interaction.
FunWe enjoy our work and it makes a big difference in the lives of the veterinary professionals we engage with. We aim to alleviate their problems, so we can make room for fun, lighthearted communication.
ConfidentWe know that we are experts. Our products are science and evidence based. We provide training, expert advice and genuine support to our customers. We have confidence in our offering, ourselves and what we can do for veterinary professionals.